Friday, August 05, 2005

I'm sure I'm adopted

Today in the mail, I received one of my Aunt's famous and frequent chain letters of idiocy. This time, she was ranting about the Muslim Stamp, and how the post office is so rediculous to be selling it because, of course, the Muslims, AND ALL OF THEM Bombed PanAm Flight 103; the World Trade Center in 1993; the Marine barracks in Lebanon; the military barracks in Saudi Arabia; the American Embassies in Africa; the USS COLE; and attacked on 9/11/2001! I sent her (and everyone she sent her e-mail this with these words, which my beautiful, brilliant, tolerant children helped me write...

Do you hate all Germans too? Russians? Japanese? What about all black sport’s legends? Homosexuals? Wouldn’t it be a sad day if all of the American tourists overseas were treated the way we treat people who look and think differently from us. Let’s not blame an entire country of people because of the actions of militants. This is not how I teach tolerance to my children. I suggest you forward this link and not forward the e-mail

One of my Aunt's friends actually wrote back, and while I read her letter while shading my eyes, lest I be burned by her words, she acutally APPRECIATED my response..

There is hope friends...Just one monkey at a time.

1 comment:

Flipsycab said...

Stop the insanity!