Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Holding up the Mirror

I have been in job crisis since last fall.

Oh, I love my job (sorta) and I think my agency is the best, but working there has been "challenging" for the past 8 months.

For instance, I really don't like sharing an office. There. I said it. I think I'm old enough to have my own office, since I'm not someone's "secretary" or "assistant" I should have my own office. With a desk that is not at a 15 degree angle slope to the right (or left, if the desk is facing the wall) I've tried working with my back to the door (I know, bad Feng Shue) and now, I'm facing the door, but I have become enmeshed in daily conversations with passers by and people who think I need to be entertained. Sometimes, the tuna/hamburger/meat loaf lunch smell does bug me.

Second, I've pretty much maxed out the job, in that I don't think there is anything I haven't tackled.

Also, I am constantly frustrated by the inability of some people to figure out how to do their job. We have some really smart people there, and also, some not so smart. I really am a snob when it comes to working with low intelligence.

Then it happened. A job opened up at the agency that was PERFECT for me. Actually, when the description was written, they basically copied my resume, save a few qualifications (not critical ones, mind you) And I'd get a big raise. And I could help the agency grow. And and and I'd get my own office.

I applied for it, and didn't get called in for an interview. I was told I had "good skills and valuable assets" but was not called in for an interview. They called about 6 people in for an interview, and I was told if none of them worked out, they'd interview me...Second String.

How's that for a warm and fuzzy feeling?

So I talked to my other best friend, a woman I used to work with, who was very supportive, and, long story short, offered me a job!

So, great. Someone wants me for my brains and skills and wants me to succeed with them, and benefit from and with their success. How rare is that in an employer/employee situation?

So I called my little sister (not baby sister, another conversation about trying to process with her) and little sister holds up the mirror.

"Every time I talk to you," she says, "you tell me you hate going to work at your job. When I told you I hated my job, you said, 'Life is too short to do something every day that you hate. It makes you cranky, and the people you love suffer for you every day.'"

Or something like that.

Yeah, I guess sometimes people listen to me. I wonder if I have the guts to take my own advice?


So I tell the (other job) partners what I want as far as $$ and hours, and they flat out said YES!!


But, YEAH!!

Now I have to quit my job. But how? I'm open to suggestions. The event is tentatively scheduled for Friday afternoon. My last day would be the 30th.


stennie said...

Just be honest with them -- you believe you've done all you can for them, you don't see any opportunities for advancement there, and that you've found a better position elsewhere. Be gentle, but firm.

I used to draft letters of resignation when I was going through bad times at work, and daydream about storming into the office, slapping down my keys, and walking out.

Marla Bronstein said...

My first walk out the door involved alot of paper throwing, drawer slamming and general pissed-offed-ness. But then, I had been fired...

Marla Bronstein said...

(From a different job, let me be clear about that!)