Saturday, December 02, 2006

Your Hawaiian Word of the Week #5

This week is brought to you by the letter “k” which is, by far, the largest section of my Hawaiian dictionary. Today’s word is :

Kiko’ olā 1. sarcastic, rude, impertinent. 2. haphazard, here, there and everywhere; entangled or awkward shape, as a package.

OK. So these two definitions really don’t connect in my mind, but I’ll take it. Sort of the way this whole “project” has been going. This week my brother told my sister that he wants to go to Hawaii with “us.” Did I not make it clear, NO BOYS ALLOWED! It’s NOT that I don’t like boys, I just don’t want mine (or yours) to be in Hawaii with us.

So the big dumpage of snow is almost at a tolerable level today, and good thing too, I have along drive ahead of me on Monday for to see my gal Mel.

There was NO SCHOOL all week, we’ve got a bit of cabin fever going here too. But the BEST part of the snow was to really experience how well my little car Starla the Subaru handles in the snow and ice. I feel like a walking (or driving) commercial, but I’m good with that.

I’m working on my CD mix now, don’t bug me….

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