Sunday, January 14, 2007

Your Hawaiian Word of the Week #11

This week’s letter is brought to you by the letter “n” and the word of the day is

no’ono’o Thought, reflection, meditation, thinking: to think, reflect, to consider, as a case as law; thoughtful.

If you (or anyone) has been paying attention, you will know that my life and consciousness is colored by this trip to Hawaii I am planning….There are a couple of options for accommodations….hotels, condos, cabins.. All dependent upon the number of girlfriends who will accompany me, and so far, only one friend has bought her ticket….

So I wondered, does that mean only one other person will come with me? If so, that’s fine. I’ll actually end up with some time alone on the island, which would not be my preference, but would be interesting….

It’s something to think about anyway.

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