Sunday, March 11, 2007

THIS IS MY 100TH POST!!! Did you miss me?

I haven't posted since Feb 18?! Wow, time flies when you're having fun. Or flu. Or phlegm. Anyway, I'm better (almost) and figure all I need is a couple of days of good old Vitamin D from the source...

It's coming ladies, oh yes it is...

So today we have a veritable glut of vocabulary words...just because I'm not feeling well doesn't get us all off the hook for being able to communicate effectively as we travel...

Today's words are brought to you by the letters C, I, and Q. (Let's just see what we get after that random choice...)

cough kunu

inehinei yesterday

question ninau

So my charge to you dear readers is to come up with some English words you think we may need to know when we're on the island...suggestions????


stennie said...

Have we learned "cocktail" yet?

Anonymous said...

No, I'll put it on the list....