Tuesday, February 10, 2015

February 10, 2015

February 10, 2015

I know, me…me…me…..today is the five year anniversary that Norman and I parted ways.

This past summer, on June 10, 2014, I celebrated the 5 year anniversary of my diagnosis, the day I was first introduced to my acoustic neuroma.  Norman.  That moment is a perfect memory.  It was as if my world froze in its place, and I felt like I was drowning in quicksand.  Since then, life has been a whirlwind.  From diagnosis to surgery was 8 months.  (Interestingly—or ironically—I only knew Ken for 8 months before we were engaged.)  I guess I prefer fast paced life!

Today, I’m celebrating February 10, 2010.   

At the beginning of 2015, when I started thinking about this date, I was 30lbs heavier than the day I was wheeled into surgery, thanks to my aging metabolism.  At the beginning of the year, I committed to doing some sort of cardio at least 30 minutes every day and I’ve been pretty honest about doing that! (Now I’m only 10 lbs heavier….I’ll take that small success….)  

So many amazing things have happened in the past five years….high school and college graduations.   The Army.  A book.  A new career.  Chicago. Hawaii.  Elections.  Board work.  A heart attack (Ken’s, not mine.)  Anniversaries.  Bat Mitzvahs. Weddings.  New babies.  Videos.  Theatre productions.  Music recitals.  Too many funerals. I joined the board of the ANA a year ago.

I’m feeling great.  I have my two year follow up scheduled for March 12. 

On April 10 of this year, I’ll be getting on a plane headed to Shanghai, where I will be representing the ANA at the 7th Annual Acoustic Neuroma Conference. Every month since my surgery, I connect with at least one newly diagnosed AN patient.  Every month, I get to pay it forward.  This is what I believe.…It could be worse.  It’s not cancer.  Someone I love might get sick.  And die.  Or just surprise me and die. (see above)

I’m grateful to you for reading this and sticking with me. 

I’m still here. And I really appreciate you for being here too.