Sunday, February 04, 2007

What's next?

I was actually in this show which closed last night, not that you would have known if from reading this article, because not only did they not mention me, they didn’t even refer to the short play I was in, which was called, by the way, “A Winter Family Christmas.” I played a schizophrenic mother. (Again, with the mother role…..) It was as well attended as it should have been…

This same week, the local “Take 5” printed a VERY flattering photo of yours truly, in character. The masses did not respond with a resounding vote of confidence. The fact that the entirety of the show was one hour and fifteen minutes, and that I was only on stage for four of those minutes made my energy expense minimal.

I have to admit I was not as supportive of the experience as I could have/should have been I really liked the people I worked with. They were good actors, very generous on stage and really nice and smart. I guess I'm just too set in my ways for this post-college theatre of the bazaare.

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