Tuesday, January 23, 2018

This is for Daniela Giles - I don't even know you.

This is for you. I don't even know you.

Earlier this year, I joined a FB Low Carb group. This WOE* (Way of Eating) has helped me lose 30 lbs since May. Today was an “off day” but for the most part, I’m pretty good about this and eat meals and keep snacks to “on program.”

But oh, how I have missed my sushi.

Now, anyone who knows me, knows that I do not believe that cream cheese belongs within a football field of sushi. I don’t recall seeing any “California Rolls” when I was in Tokyo many years ago. but then, mostly I ate raw fish w/o rice at all…

But I digress.

Today, Daniela posted a link to Keto Sushi and I will be forever grateful, as riced cauliflower has been my BFF for months now. I’m even willing to try it with the cream cheese to bind the rice.

Thank you Daniela. You have taught me to think outside the box. And my next trick will be to make low carb PAELLA!!

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