Thursday, October 27, 2005

16 is a magic number

Lots of things associated with the number 16. Driving. Square roots. Dating. Moms on Xanax.

Today, Big Sister is 16. She woke up, ate breakfast and went to high school, like any normal day. When I hugged her this morning, I asked her how she could have turned 16 when I don't feel a day older than the day she was born. "Law of Nature." my angel child said.

She does have her moments.

When I have more time to blog, I'll tell you the story of her "Woman's Wisdom" gathering I had for her birthday. Perhaps I can juxtapose that with her blowout "Connie and Carla"/pizza/cake fest she is planning for Saturday night.

Oh, and BTW, Big Sister WANTS to go to homecoming next week. Genetics stop here.

1 comment:

Krizzer said...

I want to go to homingcoming too! Oh no, wait. I just want to go home. Yah, that's right! Work sucks!