Tuesday, November 22, 2005

I can't be pregnant

But I feel more nauseated than I did when baby brother was anticipated and I had the stomach flu at the same time...Maybe it's because tonight the reviewer is coming to see "Mattress" here, half of my former co-workers are coming, and as of yet, we have not run the full show top to bottom with orchestra, lights costume changes and special effects. Why you might ask? A lot has to do with the fact that this is community theatre and half my cast and crew are in college and have lives, rehearsals, jobs, midterms, colds and attitudes, and the other half don't have midterms in the mix.

I have become very spiritual in the past two weeks and have had my Tarot cards read twice, both times with positive outcomes with regard to the show. I have met some wonderful actors, actresses and crew during this process. The greatest delight is that the high school kids have been REALLY committed and professional. They are being taught well...

I have become greatly disappointed in grown-ups whom I thought I could depend on who didn't come through.

My greatest fear is that this experience will damage personal relationships based on un-met expectations.

My greatest hope is that I went way over budget so that the theatre folks won't let me do this again. I seem to have no control over my desire to direct.

We have flawless actors singers and musicians. Let's just hope they can distract from the flaws in the props, costumes and set. AG said you shouldn't beleive a bad review, which means you also can't believe a good one. I just don't want the reviewer to tell people to stay away from this production....

BTW, mom is coming from LA to see the show, and middle sister is coming from AZ. There goes my stomach again... OY!


Krizzer said...

Break a leg Marla! It'll be great, I'm sure. I wish I could go tonight to give you another friendly face on review night, but DAMN SCHOOL! Love you! Breathe!

Flipsycab said...


Break some legs!! Not ankles!!

I'm sure it will be a wonderful show!!

P.S. When I look at the pictures of the Guild, I am stricken with homesickness....gut-wrenching!